Friday, April 17, 2020

Wake Up, Henry Rooster ~ Margriet Ruurs (Grade 2/3 Read Aloud)

Would somebody please tell that rooster to be quiet so I can get some sleep?

Mingsi is very tired because he stayed up too late playing cards with Miso last night. He would not be very good at living on a farm because he does not like to get up early. Wake Up Henry Rooster is a story about a rooster named Henry who has the same problem as Mingsi. He likes to stay up too late having fun. I hope you have fun listening to this story and finding out how Henry solved his problem.

After you have watched the video of the story, there are some printable activity sheets for you to do at home!

Wake Up Henry Rooster Video:

Activity Sheets:
Click here for printable version of colouring sheet:

Click here for printable version of word search:

I am still missing you!
Love, Mrs. Porter

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