Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Rattletrap Car by Phyllis Root (Grade 1 Read Aloud) 

Hi boys and girls! Mingsi and Miso are excited because we are doing a beach story today called "Rattletrap Car." Mingsi would like to try surfing and Miso has his eye on the treats in their picnic basket. In this story, Jakie, Junie and the baby really want to get to the beach so they have to use some pretty tricky ideas when their car breaks down.  After you have listened to the story, you can print and colour a picture of Hedgie and his underwater sea friends at the beach! 

Rattletrap Car Video:

Colouring Sheet:
Click here for printable version of colouring sheet:

I hope you enjoy this story and that you are doing some reading. 
I miss you and hope to see you soon!
Love, Mrs. Porter

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