Friday, May 29, 2020

Stanley at Sea

Stanley at Sea by Linda Bailey 
Photo Credit: Roy Priest 

MISO: Norman - I thought you said we were going on a cruise boat.
NORMAN: Quit complaining Miso! Im the one with a seagull on my head!

Hi boys and girls! I hope you are having a good day. As you can see, Mingsi and Miso aren't so happy being at sea. However, when Stanley and his friends end up at sea they are very happy! When they get rescued that is! They get rescued by a freight ship. Freight ships have a big crew, so that means lots of food is on board. why do you think that would make Stanley and his friends happy?

I hope you enjoy this story called "Stanley at Sea." And don't worry about Norman, Miso, Mingsi and Rip. I will be brave and rescue them. And they will all have sausage and steak.

If you feel like working on a little dog word study after you've listened to the story, I've attached one for you to print at home. There are two pages, one page has the clues, and the other page has the boxes to write the answers in. Some of the clues might be a challenge, but I know you'll do a great job!

Stanley at Sea Video: 

Dog Word Study:

I hope you have a great weekend and get to do lots of reading!
Love, Mrs. Porter 

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