Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Mr. Pusskins by Sam Lloyd

MISO: Pay closer attention Mingsi. You are lucky to be listening to stories - you could end up like Mr. Pusskins.

Hi Boys and Girls. That's right, Mr. Pusskins did not know how good he had it. His owner Emily was so kind to him, but he thought he needed a more adventurous life. Well, he learned a lesson and luckily Emily came to his rescue. 

After you have listened to the story of "Mr. Pusskins" you might want to listen to the sequel, called "Mr. Pusskins and Little Whiskers" which I will include a link to as well. After you have read the stories, you can colour a fluffy cat colouring sheet 🐈

Mr. Pusskins: A Love Story Video:

Mr. Pusskins and Little Whiskers Video:

Colouring Sheet:

I hope you enjoyed the story and funny pictures of crabby Mr. Pusskins.
Love, Mrs. Porter 

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