Monday, June 22, 2020


There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Moose by Chrissy Bozik

Photo Credit Roy Priest 

MISO: Well here we are - we are finally camping. I always wanted to try.
NORMIE: I didn't like the trip very much.
MINGSI: No kidding. Next time let's drive to the lake!

Hi Boys and Girls! Do you remember that silly old lady who swallows everything - like some snow, a frog, a shell, a bell, a book and more. Well in this story she swallows a MOOSE, and a lot of other yucky things. We chose this Old Lady Story because it is very Canadian and the ending is something we like to do in Canada. Well, most of us. Mrs. Porter and her dogs are not very good at putting up a tent.

Enjoy the story, and Happy Canada Week! 
Love, Mrs. Porter 

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Moose Video:

Activity Sheets:

1) Map of Canada:

2) Canada Word Search:

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