Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Up The Creek by Nicholas Oldland 

Photo Credit: Roy Priest 

MINGSI: Hurray! It's Canada Week. We're going to go across Canada.
GEISHA: Do we have to walk?
MISO: I am going to ride the moose.
NORMIE: I think we are up the creek!

Hi Boys and Girls: One of the really great things about Canada is all the amazing animals that live here. Today we are going to read a story about 3 Canadian animals - Moose, Beaver and Bear. They are best friends, but as you all know, even best friends sometimes disagree over things. They argued a bit too much and a bit too loud. In fact, they argued so much they ended "Up the Creek."

Listen to the story and find out how they rescued themselves.  After you have listened to the story, you can colour a cute Canadian animal colouring page!

Up the Creek Video: 

Colouring Sheet:

Aren't Moose, Bear and Beaver silly? I love how they rescued themselves.
Love, Mrs. Porter

PS - Here are the things Miso, Mingsi and Geisha argue over:
Sweet potato treats
Greenie Bones
Turkey tidbit treats

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