Sunday, May 31, 2020


Stanley at School by Linda Bailey 

Photo Credit: Roy Priest

Hi boys and girls. I think Miso, Mingsi, and Geisha and their friends should go to school. What do you think? If they learned to add, they might realize that they all get the same number of treats and stop trying to sneak them from each other. 
For those boys and girls back at school today, I hope you are having a good day. If you are doing your learning at home, then you can go to school with Stanley and his friends, Alice, Nutsy and Gassy Jack.  

Let's read Stanley at School together, and then you can colour this detailed pattern colouring sheet of a cute little Pug. It will look SO beautiful once you have used all different colours to fill in the patterns. 

Stanley at School Video:

Pug Colouring Sheet:

I hope you have enjoyed all of the Stanley books that we have read!
Love, Mrs. Porter

Friday, May 29, 2020

Stanley at Sea

Stanley at Sea by Linda Bailey 
Photo Credit: Roy Priest 

MISO: Norman - I thought you said we were going on a cruise boat.
NORMAN: Quit complaining Miso! Im the one with a seagull on my head!

Hi boys and girls! I hope you are having a good day. As you can see, Mingsi and Miso aren't so happy being at sea. However, when Stanley and his friends end up at sea they are very happy! When they get rescued that is! They get rescued by a freight ship. Freight ships have a big crew, so that means lots of food is on board. why do you think that would make Stanley and his friends happy?

I hope you enjoy this story called "Stanley at Sea." And don't worry about Norman, Miso, Mingsi and Rip. I will be brave and rescue them. And they will all have sausage and steak.

If you feel like working on a little dog word study after you've listened to the story, I've attached one for you to print at home. There are two pages, one page has the clues, and the other page has the boxes to write the answers in. Some of the clues might be a challenge, but I know you'll do a great job!

Stanley at Sea Video: 

Dog Word Study:

I hope you have a great weekend and get to do lots of reading!
Love, Mrs. Porter 

Thursday, May 28, 2020


Old MacDonald Had a Truck by Steve Goetz 
Photo Credit: Roy Priest

...and on that farm he had a TRUCK?! And a DUMP TRUCK and an EXCAVATOR and a BULLDOZER! A farm can't get any better than that. Sing along with this cool story and maybe you can make up your own words for a new story, like "Old MacDonald Had a Monster Truck." Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald want to have some fun when they retire from farming. I hope Miso doesn't like hanging out with them too much. I might have to get a truck too.

I am going to include the links to two stories today, the first one is Old MacDonald Had a Truck, and the second one is Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site.  If you like all the cool trucks and machines in the Old MacDonald story, then you're going to love the ones in the construction site story too.
I have also included a fun colouring sheet of a truck that you can colour at home. Maybe you can even draw Miso in the back of the truck going for a ride!

Old MacDonald Had a Truck Video:

Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site Video:

Colouring Sheet:

I hope you enjoyed the stories!
Love, Mrs. Porter 

Wednesday, May 27, 2020


How I Became a Pirate by Melinda Long
Photo Credit: Roy Priest 

NORMAN: Ahoy Miso - have you finished swabbing those decks yet?
MISO: Not yet Captain Norman. I want to go home and sit on the butterfly table and listen to stories. I'm feeling sea sick. 

Hi boys and girls! I bet some of you think being a pirate would be really fun. Finding treasure would be cool, but I wouldn't want to be in all those sword fights. You know what I think would be the worst thing about being a pirate? They didn't have dogs on pirate ships! They thought they would bring bad luck. But they did have cats - because they were good at catching rats (yuk.) I think I'll stick to being a librarian and having lots of dogs!

After you have listened to the story of How I Became a Pirate, you can print a pirate ship colouring sheet to work on at home. Maybe you can even find a spot to draw Miso on the ship!

How I Became a Pirate Video:

Colouring Sheet: 
Click here for printable version of colouring sheet:

I hope you enjoyed the story. Stay tuned to see if Miso likes being a pirate any better next week!
Love, Mrs. Porter 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

THE COW LOVES COOKIES...and so does Miso

The Cow Loves Cookies by Karma Wilson 
Photo Credit: Roy Priest 

Hi boys and girls. We are back on the farm and today we are reading a very funny story about a cow who loves cookies. You can see that Miso is eyeing up the cookies too. Listen to the story to find out the deal that the farmer made with the cow so the cow gets cookies. I might have to make a deal with Miso so he can get some cookies too! 

After you have listened to the story, you can print out a cute farm colour by number sheet. Can you guess what animal is on the sheet??

The Cow Loves Cookies Video:

Colour-by-number sheet: 
Click here for printable version of colour-by-number sheet:

If you'd like to listen to another story about a funny cow, try The Cow That Laid an Egg, about a silly cow named Marjorie who thinks she can lay eggs!

The Cow That Laid and Egg Video: 

Keep up all of your great reading at home!
Love, Mrs. Porter 

Friday, May 22, 2020


Stanley's Little Sister by Linda Bailey 

Photo Credit: Roy Priest

MISO: Man - Stanley has trouble with one cat. He should try living with these two. Double Trouble.

Hi boys and girls. Miso is a little different from Stanley because he doesn't know about cats. But Stanley sure knows a lot about cats. He knows, and all of his friends know - DO NOT CHASE CATS! The trouble is that Fluffy, Stanley's new cat, doesn't know about this dog-chase-cat game, and doesn't want to be chased. Listen to this funny Stanley story to find out how Stanley and his cat finally become friends. 

I am also attaching a really cute dog pattern colouring sheet for you to work on at home. I bet you can make some beautiful dogs using lots of different colours on this one!

Stanley's Little Sister Video:

Colouring Sheet:
Click here for printable version of colouring sheet:

I hope you are still reading lots of good books at home!
Love, Mrs. Porter 

Thursday, May 21, 2020


Little White Dogs Can't Jump by Bruce Whatley

It looks like little black and white dogs can't jump either! I think Mingsi's real problem is that his legs are too short. And I am pretty sure he won't like any of the ideas in this book I am going to read you. I guess I will just have to keep lifting him into the car.

After we have read the story together, if you would like to colour a sheet with an English Bulldog on it, I am attaching one below. Get creative and make it a colourful rainbow or polka dot dog! Or maybe you want to draw the dog wearing a basketball jersey like in the story. Mingsi is going to have his bulldog wear a Canucks jersey because he misses watching hockey. 

Little White Dogs Can't Jump Video:

Colouring Sheet:
Click here for printable version of colouring sheet:
I hope you are finding some good books to read. I miss you.
Love, Mrs. Porter

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Old MacDonald Drives a Tractor by Don Carter

Photo Credit: Roy Priest 

MISO: Look at me - I'm driving a tractor.
NORMAN: That's not fair - you don't even have a driver's licence.
FARMER PETE: Don't worry - there will be plenty of work for everyone to do on the farm. Even Mingsi if he ever gets out of bed. 

Miso and his cousin Norman are visiting Farmer Pete and his tractor today. Keep reading every week and you will see they don't really know a lot about farms, but they really want to help. I think you are going to like reading all about the farm animals.

I found a really cool website that shows all the different sounds the farm animals make. All you have to do is click on the picture of the animal, and then you will hear the sound they make. Miso and I had lots of fun making the cows moo. If you'd like to check it out, click on the link below.

Today we are going to read a story called "Old MacDonald Drives a Tractor."  If you would like to colour a farm animals driving a tractor sheet when we are finished, I am attaching one for you to print off at home!

Old MacDonald Drives a Tractor Video:

Colouring Sheet:
Click here for printable version of colouring sheet:

I hope you enjoyed the story!
Love, Mrs. Porter

Tuesday, May 19, 2020


Pete the Cat: Old MacDonald Had a Farm by James Dean 

Photo Credit: Roy Priest

MISO: Are we at the circus? There are a lot of animals here. 
NORMAN: I don't see any elephants like Dumbo flying around, so I don't think we're at the circus. Maybe we are at the farm.
MISO: Who's in charge of all of these animals anyway? None of them are wearing leashes.
NORMAN: I dunno, maybe the blue cat wearing the red bandana? He looks official.
PETE THE CAT: These two have a LOT to learn about farms.

Hi boys and girls! As you can see Miso and his cousin Norman are taking a trip to the farm with Pete the Cat. They don't know very much about farms, so they are going to learn about them over the next few weeks while we read some farm animal stories together. Today we are going to read Pete the Cat: Old MacDonald Had a Farm. I hope you will sing along with me at home!
After we have read the story, you might feel like colouring the cute farm animal sheet that I've attached below. See if you can name all of the animals on it while you are colouring.

Pete the Cat: Old MacDonald Had a Farm Video:

Colouring Sheet:

Click here for printable version of colouring sheet:

I still miss seeing all of you in the library. Make sure to read for at least 15 minutes today, because reading makes you SMART!
Love, Mrs. Porter 

Friday, May 15, 2020


Stanley's Party by Linda Bailey 

Hi boys and girls! Who do you think is going to win the race?
Normie in the wagon, Geisha the Skater Girl, Miso in the shopping cart (Miso loves shopping),
Rip on the tricycle, or Mingsi in the roller skate? 

They are going for a wild ride like Stanley and his friends - I hope nobody falls off!
I also hope you enjoy the story - the Stanley books are some of my favourites!  After we have read the story together, if you feel like working on a fun dog word search, there is one for you to print and work on at home :) 

Stanley's Wild Ride: 

Word Search: 

I hope you have a great weekend full of some fun outside adventures and lots of reading!
Love, Mrs. Porter

Thursday, May 14, 2020


Mossy by Jan Brett
MINGSI: What is Yertle doing now? 🐢
MISO: He wants to have flowers on his shell like Mossy.
MINGSI: I wish he would get back in his pond and stay there.

Hi boys and girls. I hope you are doing OK. Today we are going to read a Jan Brett story. You probably remember her Gingerbread stories from Christmas. She does her own illustrations and they are beautiful. We are going to ready "Mossy." It is the story of a turtle who has beautiful flowers growing on her shell.  She is so beautiful some people want to put her in a museum. I hope you enjoy this nice story and love the happy ending.

Mossy Video:

Because we love Jan Brett so much, I thought you might like to look at her website. It has TONS of amazing stories, activities, and videos for you to look at. I am including 3 things from her website that I thought you might enjoy, but make sure to take a look yourself because there are hours and hours of fun to be had on her website!

Official Jan Brett Website:

1) Mossy colouring sheet: 
Click here for printable version of colouring sheet (From

2) Watch Jan Brett Read "Hedgie Blasts Off!: (From

3) Learn How to Draw a Hedgie with Jan Brett: (From

I hope you enjoy all of these fun Jan Brett activities. She has lots more read alouds and videos on her website so make sure to take a look at it, and have some fun!

Keep reading to make yourselves smarter!
Love, Mrs. Porter

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Rattletrap Car by Phyllis Root (Grade 1 Read Aloud) 

Hi boys and girls! Mingsi and Miso are excited because we are doing a beach story today called "Rattletrap Car." Mingsi would like to try surfing and Miso has his eye on the treats in their picnic basket. In this story, Jakie, Junie and the baby really want to get to the beach so they have to use some pretty tricky ideas when their car breaks down.  After you have listened to the story, you can print and colour a picture of Hedgie and his underwater sea friends at the beach! 

Rattletrap Car Video:

Colouring Sheet:
Click here for printable version of colouring sheet:

I hope you enjoy this story and that you are doing some reading. 
I miss you and hope to see you soon!
Love, Mrs. Porter

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


Mother Bruce by Ryan T. Higgins
Photo Credit: Roy Priest

Do you think Mingsi looks happy? He is not sure if he wants to be a mommy to 4 baby geese. That is exactly how Bruce the Bear feels in this funny story called "Mother Bruce." I hope you enjoy this story. There are more stories about Bruce that you can check out when we are back in the library.
After we have read the story, if you'd like to print and colour a Bruce sheet, you can!

Mother Bruce Video:

Colouring Sheet:
Click here for printable version of colouring sheet:

Keep reading!
Love, Mrs. Porter

Monday, May 11, 2020

Octopuses are Escape Artists

Inky the Octopus by Erin Guendelsberger (Kindergarten Read Aloud) 
MISO: I just saw something scary with 8 legs 
MINGSI: Don't worry, it was only an octopus 🐙The only scary things with 8 legs would be those 2 naughty cats, George and Purrcy.

Hi boys and girls! Did you know an octopus has 3 hearts and 9 brains? It has one central brain and each arm has "a mind of its own." Octopuses are very good at escaping through small openings. This is a true story about an octopus named Inky. He lived in the National Aquarium of New Zealand. One night, the lid of his tank was left slightly open and he squeezed through the opening. He slithered across the floor and squeezed through an even smaller opening - a 6 inch drain hole, and made it out to sea. I hope Inky is enjoying his new life in the ocean, don't you? There is a very famous song about an octopus called Octopus's Garden by Ringo Starr. Check out the video of the song showing some cool underwater footage of octopuses in the ocean:

Let's read the story of Inky the Octopus together, and then if you feel like working on an Inky colouring sheet, you can! 

Inky the Octopus Video: 

Colouring Sheet:
Click here for printable version of colouring sheet:

In honour of Inky's 8 legs, why don't you try to read at least 8 stories this week. Think you're up to the challenge? I sure do!
Love, Mrs. Porter

Friday, May 8, 2020


Stanley's Party by Linda Bailey (Grade 2&3 Read Aloud) 

GEISHA: I'm going to dance with Max Grainger
MISO: I'm going to dance with Murphy Sullivan
MINGSI: I'm going to eat all the CAKE!

Today is the big day! Tell your dog to tell all the other dogs in your neighbourhood about the party at Stanley's house. Check out all the dog pictures and see if you can find your teacher's dog. 

Check out the video below - the dogs worked on something special they want to share with you!
Aren't they hilarious? These dogs sure do know how to party!

Now, let's read Stanley's Party together and see what Stanley and his friends get up to when they have a huge party at Stanley's house.
If you'd like to work on a dog colouring sheet after you've listened to the story, I'll attach one below for you to colour at home. 

Stanley's Party Video:

Colouring Sheet:
Click here for printable version of colouring sheet:

Hope you enjoy the story - I miss you!
Love, Mrs. Porter

PS - I had to give Geisha a lot of treats to wear her party dress.

Thursday, May 7, 2020


Hi boys and girls. It's Mingsi here. I am in charge today. When you go back to school and go to library, you will find a new series of books written by ME!!
I know you like Diary of a Wimpy Kid, but you are REALLY going to love my new book DIARY OF A COOL DOG.  I got all my great ideas from those excellent authors Chester the Cat and Pig the Pug.
Love, Mingsi

PS - Boys and Girls. It's Mrs. Porter. I know how much you love the Wimpy Kid books so I thought you might like to check out the Wimpy Kid website. It has a TON of really fun activities to download and print at home for you to work on. I have included a few of my favourites right here on the blog, but make sure to check out the website because there are lots more to look at!

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Official Website:

Check out these Mingsi approved Wimpy Kid activities!

1) Wimpy Kid Word Search (from
Click here for printable version of word search:

2) Create Your Own Wimpy Kid Cover (from
 Click here for printable version of book cover:

3) How to Draw Greg Heffley (from
Click here for printable version of how to draw Greg Heffley:

I miss you!
Love, Mrs. Porter

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Owl Babies by Martin Waddell (Grade 1 Read Aloud) 
Miso thinks sitting around getting his picture taken all day is "For the Birds," so he went for a walk and did some birdwatching. He found an amazing owl nest in White Rock. The father owl was sitting in a tree, and right beside it, in another tree, was a mother owl sitting on her nest. That means there are going to be little owlets flying around this summer. Miso got my friend who is a photographer to take these amazing owl pictures.
 Photo Credit: Roy Priest
 Photo Credit: Roy Priest
Photo Credit: Roy Priest

I hope you enjoy the photos, and the story Owl Babies.  Since the story is about a mama owl and her babies, and since Mother's Day is coming up this weekend, I thought you could work on a beautiful Mother's Day colour-by-number sheet after you have listened to the story!

Owl Babies Video:

Colour-By-Number Sheet: 
Click here for printable version of colour-by-number sheet:

I miss all of you!
Love, Mrs. Porter

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


GEISHA: I love my new red hat
MISO: I'm trying to be a good boy
MINGSI: I wish somebody would steal my hat!

Japanese Chins have very small heads so they can't wear real hats, that's why they are wearing these little "fascinators." Maybe you can make a little paper hat for the dogs and give it to me when we get back to school. For now, click on the link below to watch a very funny puppet show based on the book "I Want My Hat Back" by Canadian author, Jon Klassen.  You might recognize the cover of the book from our library:
When we get back to school, I can show you this funny book, as well as the other books he has written that we have in our library. I hope you enjoy the puppet show. The dogs and I laughed so hard their fascinators fell off!

Video of I Want My Hat Back: 

Make sure to read for at least 15 minutes today!
Love, Mrs. Porter

Monday, May 4, 2020


The Pout-Pout Fish Goes to School by Deborah Diesen (Kindergarten Read Aloud) 

Miso dressed up for his first day of school with the Pout-Pout Fish. Pout-Pout is a little afraid, but Miso told him not to worry!

Hi boys and girls. I hope you are doing well with your home learning. Learning is fun if it is at school, at home, or even at fish school like Mr. Pout-Pout. Let's see what happens on Mr. Fish's first day of school, and then, if you'd like to colour a creatures under the sea colouring page at home, you can! 

The Pout-Pout Fish Goes to School Video:

Colouring Sheet:
Click here for printable version of colouring sheet:

I hope you are enjoying some good books to read because Reading Makes You Smart. If you have any questions, comments about the stories we are sharing, or would like to tell me about the books you've been reading at home, you can always send me an email at 
I miss you, and hope to see you soon.
Love, Mrs. Porter